Project Philosophy

Project Philosophy

Generativemasks launched back in August of 2021. A collection stemming from Shunsuke Takawo’s daily coding sessions, a portfolio of work built up over years of daily experimentation with generative art since 2015, Generativemasks has marked its place in NFT history in 2021. Since then, we’ve been blessed with a core group of gen art enthusiasts, and are looking to become more communal moving forward.

The central principles behind the project are as follows:

  • We want to advance the culture of generative art, give spotlight to Japanese creators, and share the works with the world.
  • We want Generativemasks to become a place where generative art creators, collectors and enthusiasts can gather and support each other.
  • We also want to provide accessibility to anyone who wants to join our community and foster a culture of inclusivity and positive vibes.

Everything starts with the community.
